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IVF Success Rates in Iran

To judge and choose a fertility clinic abroad, you need to check out the success rate of the chosen clinic. Successful rate is not always the result of a clinic’s action but of examining different factors. IVF in Iran is one of the most successful services for many customers. IVF’s success rate in Iran is high because Iranian clinics concentrate on their doctors’ professionalism, their staff’s experience, and their used technologies. If you want to decide based on the IVF success rate, consider your situation, condition, and medical history. These matters will influence the result of your treatment rather than the Iranian clinic’s actions.


For more information read:

What Should I Do for IVF Treatment in Iran?



How Is the IVF Success Rate in Iran Calculated?

IVF success rate in Iran is important to showing the quality of Iranian IVF clinics. It also will show you the practical standard of a successful IVF clinic. What do you know about IVF in Iran? The success rate of IVF treatment will tell you how well the outcome of IVF treatment is in Iran or the percentage of successful clinical pregnancies. You can choose the most suitable fertility clinic by checking out the calculation way of the IVF success rate. The best fertility clinic must meet all your needs. The most crucial matter is the biological age of women, so we will give you some information on Iran’s IVF success rate according to women’s ages. 

  • Women under 35: 32% 
  • Women from 35 to 37 years old: 25% 
  • Women from 38 to 39 years old: 19% 
  • Women from 40 to 42 years old: 11% 
  • Women from 43 to 44 years: 5% 
  • Women over 44: 4% 

IVF success rate is higher among women using donor eggs and donor sperm. Avoiding smoking, alcohol, and caffeine and having an average weight also improve the chance of pregnancy by IVF in Iran. No definitive data is available to show the exact number of patients who have traveled to Iran for fertility treatment. However, foreign patients’ feedback shows many customers still travel to Iran due to infertility. Keep reading to get more information about different factors and practical reasons for the IVF success rate in Iran. Infertility may be your problem; you will need this vital information to make your final and crucial decision.


For more information read:


IVF Prices in Iran 2024



Best countries for IVF with a high success rate

Since the previous century, some countries have been concerned with their population size. Their policies directed at increasing or decreasing population are closely involved with the primary purpose of their nation-building. Some countries decide to increase their population but have infertility problems. There may be many solutions for infertility worldwide, but not all of these policies will be particularly successful except the most effective one, IVF. This infertility treatment becomes a crucial way to practice legitimacy, even in Islamic societies. Here is a list of the most prosperous countries in IVF treatment:

  • Spain
  • The Czech Republic
  • Greece
  • Denmark  

These 4 countries own the highest IVF success rate based on some valid statistics. Even India has no age limit to perform IVF treatment, while the Czech Republic gives the chance of fertility only to women under 45 years old. Besides these countries, Iran has a remarkable IVF success rate compared to other countries with a medium IVF success rate. The initial consultation of Iran IVF will show you the IVF success rate in Iran because essential IVF treatment in this Islamic country starts with fertile egg collection and lasts with the most successful embryo transfer.

For more information read:


Latest IVF Updates in Iran in 2024


Comparing the IVF success rate in Iran with other best countries for IVF

Infertility has become widespread worldwide, so different physicians are trying to introduce IVF treatment as a crucial and practical infertility solution. IVF success rate in Iran is the highest among Muslim countries in the Middle East, so there will be a new ambition for foreigners to come to Iran for IVF treatment. The pioneers of Iranian IVF treatment are not comparable with the new century because a group of experts has worked on this treatment for a long time. Check out the price and quality of IVF treatment in different countries to get more information on Iran’s IVF success rate. Malaysia is a Muslim country with a medium success rate, but the per IVF cycle costs around 5725 USD, while Iran costs only about 1272 USD with a higher success rate.

In addition, the Czech Republic’s IVF costs at least 2500 USD, which is more expensive than Iran’s IVF costs. Although Iran has qualified experts and doctors in the IVF process, its expenses are the cheapest among the best countries for IVF. If you are eager to experience the most successful IVF treatment with lower prices, come to Iran and use their knowledge of successful sperm injection, hormonal drugs, embryo freezing, and other investigations.


For more information read:


Cost of IVF in Iran


What Are Crucial Matters in Determining IVF Success Rate in Iran?

Those infertile couples who make the dream of having a baby think about IVF more than anything else. Don’t forget that the IVF success rate in every couple differs from the other. It also is different in every clinic and every country. Based on the gathered information, IVF in Iran has too many applicants, and the success rate is high. But what influential factors increase or decrease the IVF success rate in Iran? Keep on reading for more information.


Women’s Age 

As women get older, the chance of pregnancy will decrease naturally and with IVF procedures. So, we can say younger women have more opportunities to become pregnant by IVF compared to older women above 40. 

In addition, the body condition, health matters, and medical history of women are practical matters to increase or decrease the chance of pregnancy. You need help from the best IVF center in Iran and have a big chance of getting pregnant. 


Cause of Infertility

As you know, there are many types of infertility with different causes. Therefore, these causes will be effective in the IVF success rate. The common causes and types of infertility are: 

  • Uterus blocking 
  • Blockage in the fallopian tube 
  • Dysfunction 
  • Low rate of sperm 
  • Abdominal abnormality 
  • Health problems like uterine fibroids or PCOS 
  • Fibroid knots 
  • Difficult ovulation 
  • Low-quality of egg 
  • Destructive antibodies have negative effects on sperm and egg 
  • The genetic health condition in men and woman 
  • Sperm’s disability in penetrating the egg 
  • Sperm’s disability in reaching the uterus 

Now, you are aware of the different types and causes of infertility. These items can affect the success rate and pregnancy chances via the IVF process. The clinic’s condition, actions, and techniques are also effective but less than the above. 


Failed IVF or Miscarriage 

It is crucial if you have experienced IVF before. Your previous IVF treatment result may increase or decrease the new IVF success rate and pregnancy chance. Abortion and other failed pregnancies will change the IVF success rate. We have to say that medicine is also another important matter which affects pregnancy chance. 


Lifestyle and Environment

Pregnancy with IVF can change due to applicants’ lifestyles. For example, drinking alcohol or smoking are 2 different matters that can change the IVF success rate. Moreover, weight and obesity are other practical matters for IVF success rate. 


The Expertise of IVF Clinic

Another vital factor in the IVF success rate is your chosen clinic to perform the IVF procedure. You can consider this factor as one of the most critical factors. We recommend you select a well-known and popular breeding clinic for better results.  The chosen clinic must be aware of the different causes of infertility and know the whole process of IVF treatment. However, if your health condition and other matters are adequate, IVF treatment must be well experienced.


Chosen IVF Treatment 

There are 4 types of available IVF in Iran with different success rates. Besides the above matters and the medical process, IVF treatment must be chosen by the infertile couple. 

Iran’s IVF success rate is 65%, showing the complete cycle of IVF treatment in Iran. Eggs and sperm are the most important factors during IVF treatment; therefore, they influence Iran’s IVF treatment success rate. For the exact information, you can check out the following: 

  • Own eggs and partner’s sperm: 64% 
  • Donor eggs and partner’s sperm: 93% 
  • Own eggs and donor sperm: 64% 
  • Donor eggs and donor sperm: 93% 

 Fore more information read:


Top 5 IVF Doctors in Iran




IVF in Iran with CarefulTrip

Are you ready to make a trip and solve your infertility problem? You can trust the CarefulTrip medical tourism facilitator in Iran, which offers you different ways of IVF treatments. Their professional team will do their best to provide additional services for your medical journey. Don’t hesitate and use their most updated facilities with the help of well-experienced doctors or surgeons. The IVF success rate in Iran is the highest globally because infertile patients can use the healthiest donor eggs or sperm.


For more information read:


I Need IVF in Iraq, What Should I Do?

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