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Infertility treatment in Iran for couples from all around the world


IVF in Iran is a popular procedure that requires a series of medical stages. IVF stands for In Vitro Fertilization, in which the egg and the sperm are combined on a glass. A fertilization process requires advanced labs and experienced doctors. These series of procedures help the patients with fertility and carrying a child.

IVF treatment is popular due to many reasons, and so many patients pick Iran as their medical destination after doing research. Keep reading this article if you want to learn more about IVF treatment in Iran, why you should consider it, and why this country is the right pick for you.


Infertility treatment in Iran

Infertility is a common occurrence between women and even men, which is the lack of ability to reproduce healthy eggs or sperm. The chances of infertility increase with aging, meaning older women are more likely to experience infertility. This situation is not favorable for couples who are in the process of making a family.

However, in the case of infertility diagnosis by a specialist, you do not have to worry. There are a handful of treatments you can receive in order to ease the process. These treatments are helpful for couples who want to have a baby. Some of these popular treatments are as the following:




Fertility drugs are medications, which stimulate ovulation. Most women with ovulation disorders receive fertility and hormonal medications, working as natural body hormones.

Some of these drugs include Gonadotropins, Metformin, Menotropin, and Clomiphene Citrate. However, using these medications also carry risks such as OHSS, ovarian tumors, carrying twins, etc. The risks also vary depending on your personal condition.


Surgical procedures

There are surgeries that can improve fertility in women or correct particular related problems. However, these surgical options are rare and not usually recommended. Some of them are as follows:

  • Hysteroscopic surgery
  • Laparoscopic surgery
  • Tubal surgeries


Reproductive assistance

Reproductive assistance is the most common infertility method. This is the safest and most popular method, which includes:

  • IUI (Intrauterine insemination)

In this method, at the time of ovulation, healthy sperms are located inside the uterus in order to help with fertility.

  • IVF (in vitro fertilization)

This popular method is an assisted reproductive technology that contains retrieving eggs and combining them with healthy sperm in a dish/glass. This process takes place inside advanced labs. Afterwards, the doctor transfers this fertilized combination into the uterus to help with infertility. The IVF treatment is a series that requires different tests and procedures such as blood tests and hormone injections.


For more information, Read:


Hysteroscopy And Laparoscopy For Infertility Treatment In Iran


IVF Treatment in Iran

IVF treatment in Iran is a popular procedure due to numerous factors. This assisted reproduction is the safest way to treat infertility. Applicable for couples that deal with infertility, these series of procedures include different tests and injections, and it takes several weeks.

During an IVF treatment, mature eggs combine with healthy sperms in labs. A full cycle of this procedure takes about three weeks, however, it might take longer depending on the gaps between your stages.

IVF treatment in Iran is the most effective and reassuring method of reproductive technology. So many couples perform this procedure using their own eggs and sperm; however, depending on your situation you can perform this procedure using donors as well.

The health of your baby through IVF is dependent on different factors, such as the cause of your infertility and you and your partner’s age and health conditions. It is important to visit a doctor and ask for assistance beforehand, in order to receive exact information specialized for your own case.


For more information, Read:


Best IVF center in Iran



When to visit a doctor for infertility?

  • You should see a doctor for infertility in the following cases:
  • You are over 35
  • You have had miscarriages in the past
  • Your partner has trouble with maintaining erection
  • You have irregular or disorganized periods
  • You have a history of chronic medical conditions such as diabetes or cancer
  • You or your partner have a history of transmitted infections


What happens during IVF treatment in Iran?

  1. The IVF process has six main steps:
  2. Stopping your natural menstrual cycle
  3. Helping your ovaries with egg production using special medication
  4. Maturing the eggs
  5. Collecting the eggs
  6. Fertilizing the eggs
  7. Transferring the combination into your uterus


Who should perform IVF treatment?

As you already know, IVF treatment is for infertility problems. However, your doctor might recommend other treatment options such as medications before jumping straight to IVF, since it is a time-consuming and more invasive procedure. However, IVF might be an option for you in the following cases:

  • You are over 40, and you have experienced a miscarriage
  • You experience ovulation disorders, resulting in producing fewer eggs for the fertilization process
  • Experiencing endometriosis, affecting the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes and how they function.
  • Impaired sperm production that results in weak sperm motion and concentration.
  • Genetic disorders that you or your partner might pass on to your child.
  • Health conditions such as cancer that might prevent you from having a child
  • Not having a well-functioning uterus as a woman


Chances of successful IVF treatment in Iran

The success of this procedure is mostly dependent on the age of you and your partner. Some professionals believe that younger women have a higher chance of experiencing a successful IVF treatment. Women over 42 might still stand a chance, but it is much smaller.


 For more information, Read:


IVF Success Rates in Iran




IVF treatment for younger women

As you age, the ovulation process changes. The quality and quantity of eggs produced by the ovaries decrease over time. This means that the chances of fertility also decrease with aging, since it is directly linked to the production of eggs in a woman’s body.

Women at the age of 35 have a 50% lower chance of fertility, than women who are in their early 20’s and so on. The low quality and weak health of the eggs might also lead to miscarriage and increase the chance of unsuccessful pregnancies.

That is why, in most cases, IVF is not very effective for women over 37. The average age of women who perform IVF treatment is about 36. However, the chances of fertility mainly depend on the quality and health of eggs rather than your age. Still, the quality decreases over time, that is why they believe that older women stand a lower chance of success with treatments such as IVF.


Risks of IVF treatment

Just like any other procedure, IVF treatments are not free of risks. Not all IVF treatments lead to successful pregnancies. In some cases, you might even have some troubles; however, by picking the right doctors and medical labs, you can decrease the chances of these difficulties. IVF risks include:

  • Medicine and drug side effects
  • Multiple births, which can be dangerous for the mother and children.
  • OHSS in which the ovaries do not react well to the medications or overreact



Why should you perform IVF treatment in Iran?

IVF is one of the most effective and popular infertility treatments in Iran among couples of different ages. Patients with infertility diagnosis pick Iran as their medical destination due to many different factors. These factors include:

  • Professionalism

Iranian doctors and surgical teams have a great reputation for keeping their patients satisfied. These high-educated specialists perform their tasks seamlessly, guaranteeing a desirable treatment for you and your partner.

  • Advanced medical centers

Advanced and well-equipped labs and medical centers play a big role in the success of your treatment. It is important to perform your procedure in a high-tech, fully equipped lab. Iran offers great hospitals and medical centers that take care of their patients before, after, and during their procedures. This goes hand in hand with well-experienced doctors, leading to even better results.

  • Cost efficiency

Despite offering high quality and professional services, medical prices are much lower in Iran due to economic reasons. These cost-efficient treatments attract many more patients from all around the world and strike their interest. Being able to perform professional procedures in high-tech labs and medical centers while paying less than most other countries is a package deal no one should miss!

  • Tourist attractions

Other than the previous main factors that convince patients to travel to Iran and perform their treatments here, Iran is also a very beautiful country with numerous tourist attractions and hospitable residents. A great trip is guaranteed next to your medical procedures. This makes your medical journey as desirable as it can get.



The Bottom Line

So many women experience infertility due to many different reasons. These reasons may include chronic diseases or medications. However, the main factor that results in infertility is aging. Eggs start to decrease in quality as a woman ages; Leading to unsuccessful pregnancies.

Infertility treatments are not free of risks. However, drugs and assisted reproduction (IUI and IVF) are two main infertility treatments that are lower risks. IVF treatment in Iran is popular due to different factors such as price efficiency, professional doctors, advanced labs, and high quality equipment. That is why so many patients from all around the world choose this country as their medical destination.

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