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How Many Hours Does a Rhinoplasty Operation Take?
21 Dec

How Many Hours Does a Rhinoplasty Operation Take?

  The rhinoplasty treatment continues to be one of Iran’s most popular cosmetic surgery options since the nose, as the main feature of the face, is crucial to defining facial

Rhinoplasty in Iran or Turkey?
18 Dec

Rhinoplasty in Iran or Turkey?

 Rhinoplasty is a nose cosmetic surgery that has certain complications. Many Iranians, foreigners, and tourists perform this Rhinoplasty every year. Of course, due to the difficulties of this rhinoplasty surgery,

Is Plastic Surgery Safe In Iran?
12 Dec

Is Plastic Surgery Safe In Iran?

  The way we perceive ourselves and the outside world determines who we are. Being proud of our appearance gives us self-assurance and confidence. Most people wish they could change

What is the best age for tummy tuck?
11 Dec

What is the best age for tummy tuck?

  In medical terms, a tummy tuck is referred to as an "abdominoplasty." It is intended to target and cure excess fat and loose or extra skin in the abdomen.

How to choose the best shape for your breast?
10 Dec

How to choose the best shape for your breast?

  Do you feel distressed about the shape or size of your breasts? Or do you have problems and pains like backache because of your breast size? You can forget

What Is the Best Age for Brazilian Butt Lift?
10 Dec

What Is the Best Age for Brazilian Butt Lift?

  Harvesting extra body fat from the belly, back, hips, waist, thighs, and arms is a Brazilian Butt Lift technique component. The buttocks receive the extra fat after that. This

Can I Have Rhinoplasty with Fillers?
05 Dec

Can I Have Rhinoplasty with Fillers?

  One of the most well-known plastic surgery procedures is rhinoplasty, more commonly referred to as a nose job. However, a less invasive and cost-effective method of altering the nose

The Best Age for Embryo Transfer Procedure
05 Dec

The Best Age for Embryo Transfer Procedure

  The embryo transfer is the last step of the in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure. During this stage, the fertilized egg, which is now an embryo, is implanted into the

Body Contouring Procedure in Iran
29 Nov

Body Contouring Procedure in Iran

  How many times have we vowed to improve our diet and get off the couch? How many of us, though, genuinely do what we say? Our hectic schedules often

New Plastic Surgery Methods
29 Nov

New Plastic Surgery Methods

  New methods of plastic surgery have attracted the attention of many people. Good reports and information allow people to choose the best and most correct way according to their

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