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Causes and Treatments of Tear Duct
31 Oct

Causes and Treatments of Tear Duct

  What Is a Blocked Tear Duct? Tears that lubricate your eyes drain via a little aperture in the corner of your eye. The liquid reaches your nose and is

Illnesses affecting the health of the eyes
31 Oct

Illnesses affecting the health of the eyes

  The eye is a vital organ for humans. Physicians often refer to the eyes as the soul’s windows since we receive about 80% of information about the world around

31 Oct


  Different types of eye surgery have become popular in the past years. So many patients perform eye surgeries to cure and relieve various eye diseases. Amongst these popular and

How to choose a good eye surgeon in Iran?
31 Oct

How to choose a good eye surgeon in Iran?

  Eye surgery in Iran is a common surgery that patients receive in order to treat or relieve eye disorders. Since the eye is a fragile organ, this surgery requires

Factors to Consider for Better Eye Care
31 Oct

Factors to Consider for Better Eye Care

  Eyecare is something we should consider as a daily task. Following certain principles are crucial to keeping the eyes safe and healthy. Even a simple mistake can yield significant

How to choose the best pair of sunglasses?
31 Oct

How to choose the best pair of sunglasses?

  What are sunglasses? Sunglasses are glasses worn to protect the eyes from sunlight and ultraviolet radiation (UV). If prescription lenses are tinted, polarized, or darkened, they can improve vision.

Dental Bleaching vs. Dental Veneers
31 Oct

Dental Bleaching vs. Dental Veneers

  Teeth can become yellowed or dark as a result of the foods and drinks we consume, smoking, prescription drugs, and even getting older. Dental bleaching and veneers are two

Boy or Girl? Can Your Baby’s Gender Be Determined?
31 Oct

Boy or Girl? Can Your Baby’s Gender Be Determined?

  However sweet all babies are, parents may have different approaches towards the subject. Thanks to huge scientific and medical developments, we can now answer the call to gender determination

Dos and don’ts after Rhinoplasty
31 Oct

Dos and don’ts after Rhinoplasty

Introduction Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a "nose job", is a surgical procedure that has gained immense popularity worldwide, with Iran taking center stage as the world's "nose job capital".

Signs of a Good Health Tourism Company
31 Oct

Signs of a Good Health Tourism Company

What is Medical Tourism? The term medical tourism, also known as health tourism, surgical tourism, and medical travel, describes an international journey for medical purposes. There are many reasons why

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